The Princess Program
Once upon a time, there was a first-year college student named Alyssa Banks with a big dream. She wanted to make a difference in the world by bringing magic to children in hospitals.
She began by gathering up her friends to dress up as princesses and superheroes to visit terminally ill kids receiving treatment. Soon, an idea became an organization, that is comprised of volunteers who have spent countless hours making children smile since the group started in November of 2017.
When Alyssa realized the difference she could make, she decided to expand the Princess Program into a national 501C3 nonprofit organization. The organization is currently known as the Princess Program Foundation. The nonprofit travels to children’s hospitals, care centers, and therapy locations dressed up as Princesses and Superheroes. They believe that no matter an individual’s situation, there are good moments in each day if we only look for them. They understand and emphasize it’s all about the smile you can bring to a child’s face, giving them a moment to just be a child meeting a character, not a child battling cancer.